Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Marc Andreessen on the significance of software

Marc Andreessen, the founder of Netscape, the company which kicked off the original Internet boom, has an interesting article title "Why Software is Eating the World." "Eating" is not meant in a negative sense here -- the article is about how software is used across the economy, in increasingly innovative ways. There's nothing particularly new about what he says, but it's nicely articulated. The punchline for Andreessen is that software is where the US economy can flourish and keep growing. That led me to think that the same implications could hold for the Indian economy. For now I'll just pose that as a question -- the precise benefits of software for the Indian economy will differ from those for the US, but what are those differences? Of course, India's software firms can keep servicing the advanced economies with software services. But what about domestic needs? Something to articulate for India's policymakers and business titans, just as Andreessen has done from a US perspective.

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